B&B Spiritual Supplies
second life business card

B&B Spiritual Supplies (a Botanica) was founded by Burke, Benor. She is a solo practitioner of vodou, with a mix of rootwork, candle magik and Southern Appalachian tradition thrown in with the mix.

She designs what she knows, owns, has experienced or has seen related to her eclectic journey.


B&B Spiritual Supplies is a Botanica that offers art, oddities, seasonal items, 7-day candles, veves, herbs, spiritual supplies and found objects that a practitioner of Louisiana Vodou or Southern Hoodoo may need for rituals, altars or everyday living.

Home of the original SLŪ Bottle Tree (it keeps the haints away)!

Reviews of B&B Spiritual Supplies

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Do you believe in magic? ...

by Ehecatl Nyoki

Do you believe in magic? are you attracted to Vodou or Hoodoo practices? or you are just merely interested in looking for mysterious art to decorate your store or home? or better yet you are a Vodou or Hoodoo practitioner? if you say say yes to all the above, this is ...

Resident's screenshots:

Imagine a forest, deep and ...

by Imogen Blinker

Imagine a forest, deep and dark, and up on you a red, cloudy sky. Have you got the image? Well, B&B Spiritual Supplies is even better than your imagination. The place is a Botanic, a store selling folk medicine, amulets and many other products regarded as alternative medicine or magical. You ...

Resident's screenshots:

It is time to take ...

by Bsukmet Stormcrow

It is time to take a spiritual journey in the heart of Second Life. B&B Spiritual Supplies is a place lost in the depths of the jungle that offers a variety of products that you will not find anywhere else. Here you will find paintings, furniture voodoo, niches, herbs, ingredients for ...

Resident's screenshots: