Morea Style is one of the most elegant brand of clothing in Second Life, a whole range of evening wear, graceful and beautiful dresses, as well as casual dresses, it is dedicated to all the people out there that thrive on elegance. Morea Style is a very large store consisting of ...
Morea Style
second life business card
"Being Elegant, with a sign of Fashion"
This is our slogan since the creation of the brand "Morea Style".
Morea Style is a shop in Second Life, which offers women clothing from casual to evening and graceful dresses. we specify that all clothes are allowed to tranfer.
The creativity of Morea Decosta, Owner of the brand, is characterized by the nobility of forms, excellence of designs, quality and color choices. Quality and exclusivity are priorities in Morea Style.
Each season, Morea perform with talent the current trends with the tastes and expectations of customers, and contributes to the success of our style.
Morea Style its also events, promotional and exclusive events, treasure hunts, shows ... find all this informations on our website and in groups
Also join our newsletter or the group on Flickr to be informed exclusively.
Style Morea its also a team for your services:
- Decosta Morea, Owner, Designer Brand
- Clarisse Moyer, Manager Customers-events
- Anthonyy Collazo, shops Manager
- Graffity Mode, Manager-MARKETING
Second Life address:
MOREA STYLE (124,124,21)
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Morea Style
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
A fashion shop with a ...
A fashion shop with a valuable prestige. I already knew this shop before doing this review; I have heard of this shop long time ago thanks to a blog which advertise their gifts; in fact I have got most of their regular group gifts. Most are lovely dresses, so I encourage ...
When you arrive at Morea ...
When you arrive at Morea Style be sure to check out the discounted dresses to your right, and gowns to your left. There are over 2 floors with wedding dresses and more accessories on the second floor. As you walk into the store there are two mm boards to the right ...