Brat! Is both cute and spunky, with a great, easily navigated layout and lots of style. All of the textures are crisp and clear, and the store stocks a lot of different styles and items in a neat, orderly environment. Swimwear and cute skirt outfits are the order of the day—with ...
Brat. Mainstore
second life business card
Brat! home of exclusive custom women's clothing with an attitude! Unique and sexy dresses, skirts, tops, stockings, lingerie & jewelry.
Second Life address:
Sunspot (144,181,69)
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Jewelry
Reviews of Brat. Mainstore
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Brat! Store is one the ...
Brat! Store is one the good places to shop in second life. Brat! Store has all the type of clothes that most of the second life residents like such as dresses, skirts, tops and more stuff. Brat! sells clothes that would make you appear sexy and good looking. Brat! Is a ...
In a nice, retro' building ...
In a nice, retro' building (I love this style) there is Brat!, filled with all your heart desires to transform your simple avatar in a stunning, sexy, new one! The wide hall has two lucky chairs and two lucky boards, a bargain counter board, eleven, I say eleven!!! freebies, a midnight ...