Vanity Hair
second life business card

Vanity Hair has focused on hair for runway & print models. But we also know that many avatars like somehow to llok different so this is the shop for them. Extravagant hairs and make ups to create the most fashinable and crazy looks.
I invite you all to take a look!!

Reviews of Vanity Hair

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

This store offers one of ...

by Bsukmet Stormcrow

This store offers one of the best collections of female hair in Second Life. Its catalog is intended for women who need something different. Many of the designs could be considered artwork. Take the Medussa hair or Up Up & Away hair as an example. Each product is presented in several ...

Resident's screenshots:

Do you need a haircut? ...

by JohnGeorgeCooper Resident

Do you need a haircut? You don't like the model of your hair? Then Vanity Hair is the place to be. Here, in Waterton Way, you can choice what kind of hair you want. You can choice all sorts of haircuts. Especially for the girls this is the right place to ...

Resident's screenshots:

This store has some shockingly ...

by arion Fanbridge

This store has some shockingly fresh new hairstyles for women. These new, fresh styles are sure way to make your avatar turn heads! Female hair styles in various lengths as well as colors. Whether you are looking for an pinned up up-do or something long and flowing they have it all. ...

Vanity Hair is a huge ...

by Silky Eternal

Vanity Hair is a huge and very unusual hair store, in that it specialises in highly stylized Hairs aimed at models who want a distinctive rather than natural look. The range is enormous and includes Up -dos, Hairs with Hats, as well as every possible variation of lengths and textures. There ...