Many, very many boxes and signs surrounding you - that's, what you can see firstly after being teleported here. Shape of the parcel is a square with two buildings. Both of the buildings are faced to each other with entrances. You can walk directly from one to another by following a ...
Exposed Jobcenter
second life business card
Exposed Job Center
Looking for a Job?
Looking for Staff?
Here at Exposed Jobcenter Employers can place their ads and people will find the job they are looking for.
Second Life address:
Dania (196,31,499)
- Employment / Online money-making / In-world employment
- Employment / Second Life job agencies
- Advertising and Marketing / Advertising Spots and Areas
Website URL:
Reviews of Exposed Jobcenter
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
At 4U Job Agency you ...

At 4U Job Agency you will have the chance of exchanging employment. Job seekers can find work here and employers can find their staff as well. This is an agency which is still in expansion, they have just reopened the agency and by now they just have a few rent panels ...
This place named 4U Job ...

This place named 4U Job Agency it seems to be a good place for post your jobs advertisements to the people who are in search of jobs and business opportunities. There is one building where you can rent your spot for the advertisements and notices to be post, they have wall ...