Second Life Jobs Agency & Advertising
second life business card

Welcome To Second Life Jobs Agency!
get yourself a real paying job today!
We are the biggest Groups in SL, we have many job offers for you everyday!
you name it - we have it!

we are working with many of the best clubs and businesses in Second Life!
please join our group and post/recive job offers from all over the grid!!!

our advertising service is the most powerfull,and the membership is 100% free!!!
try it out,the results will speak for iteslf!

Advertisers/Club Owner - Please Read!
Tired of looking for workers?
we have a great service for you in SL JOBS!
Join out group and send IM to baba Goldshark.
You will recive an Officer Tag,Wich gives you permission to send your JOB OFFERS by GROUP NOTICE!
the service is 100% free!
Give it a try and see the results yourself!
Our group is growing everyday,and your job offers will go directlly to our JOB SEEKERS!
Simple as that :)

Reviews of Second Life Jobs Agency & Advertising

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

This is the perfect place ...

by Nicky Hausner

This is the perfect place to look for a job or advertise in Second Life. The advertising service is powerful, easy, safe and the membership is 100% free. Join the group to receive and post job offers all over the grid. Don’t miss this great opportunity to connect with people from ...

Resident's screenshots:

At Second Life Jobs Agency ...

by Mandie Zobovic

At Second Life Jobs Agency $ Advertising, located at the sim of Quirrola, you can find your dream. There a number wide of jobs you can chose from on at the business. The group is also membership free, and has an upstairs of wonderful cheap clothing and freebies, to look your ...

Resident's screenshots:

Getting a job in Second ...

by Ehecatl Nyoki

Getting a job in Second Life as a newcomer can be confusing and troublesome, "where do I start?", "where do I go", "what is required of me to get a job?" these are some of the many questions you will surely have. This Sim offers you so many alternatives that you ...

Resident's screenshots: