In Lions & Butterflies you can find every thing you want; the store sells furniture's and a variety of clothes in different themed. Most of the clothes here are for women, and from what is know ladies always like to wear what make them appear sexy and good looking. You can ...
Lions & Butterflies
second life business card
Lions & Butterflies features Free Woman clothing which can easily be adapted for "Earth" formal wear and Medieval and Victorian designs. We also carry a wide assortment of silks and camisks for kajirae.
As well as our Gorean line of female attire, we also have a very large section of regular clothing, casual and formal dresses, lingerie and swimwear.
Last but not least, Lions & Butterflies has a growing furniture and home section with items suitable for both role play and 'regular'.
Each month we feature a free item for Gorean and Earth. We also have lucky chairs, mob vendor, countdown vendor and many other fun features to make your shopping more enjoyable!
Second Life address:
Trois Lunes (132,98,32)
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Home and Garden
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Lions & Butterflies
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The saga of Gor, the ...

The saga of Gor, the planet that orbits around the Sun, diametrically opposite to Earth, has inspired thousands of people in Second Life, generating very active communities of roleplayers, endless lands completely dedicated to it and, of course, a strong business around it. In this imaginary world the beautiful Lions & ...
There is a LOT to ...

There is a LOT to see here! There are so many items in this store, it's crazy! It's a large store and almost every spot of every wall is covered by something for sale, be it clothing, furniture, or otherwise! This store just has so much to choose from you can ...
Right as I teleported in ...

Right as I teleported in to start my review a pop up came up saying that I would get a 15% Discount on my clothing purchases, if I join the group, also adding in a sign up Bonus. Those are things that people are looking for in Second Life when it ...
Wow! This has been my ...

Wow! This has been my first exclamation. I really like the Medieval and Gorean style so I find that this shop is a nice place where you can spend hours watching and examine all the clothes for us women who love this style. In fact, Lions & Butterflies, as well as ...
In this place you will ...

In this place you will find a great variety of medieval, gorean and casual outfits for women and also some clothing for men. Unlike other similar sites, here you will find different kind of clothing: dresses, gowns, robes, Gothic outfits... They are all highly detailed and really affordable. Look for the ...