There are many things a successful business owner in Second Life must consider when looking for services that will enhance their customers shopping experience. Those business owners with a dedication to customer service will often provide peripheral services that anticipate a need. One of those needs a savvy business owner could ...
Podex Exchange
second life business card
Podex is the officially registered company specialising in exchange of linden dollars. We have been sucessfully operating on inworld market since May 2007.
We do not charge any extra costs for purchase of Linden Dollars.
All personal data including avatar name is safe and used only in order to process orders.
Legality of transactions is verified by RISK API
All credit card data processing is done by international money transfer company DOT PAY.
As well as L$ Podex offers the possibility of buying Mainland parcels without Premium Account.
Second Life address:
Moonberry (23/219/34)
- Land services / Commercial rental
- Land services / Land for sale
- Commerce / Banks
Website URL:
Reviews of Podex Exchange
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
What an interesting Sim! This ...

What an interesting Sim! This place has a very professional business feel to it. All around you information about the services are supplied in an easy to read adboard. A real plus was how many comprehensive languages there are available here. Making exchanging lindens; using their system a lot easier to ...
Are you from Poland or ...

Are you from Poland or Central Europe? Do you want to vhange real currency into Linden Dollars? You are in best place to do this. Welcome to PODEX EXCHANGE - the first Polish Company which exchange PLN, EUR or other local curriences into L$ and it is Officially Registered by Linden ...