Place of nostalgia. As the name implies this is a Sim devoted to the 1950s. Nil McCallen has something for everyone who wishes to experience a time when things were simpler,more laid back,and perhaps even rebellious. If you enjoy the classic black and white television shows, movies with stars like Elvis, ...
Fin "Relive the fifties"
second life business card
Missing the good old days with young rebellion men like james dean or softie like elvis presley and beautful women like Marilyn Monroe than come to Fin *Relive the fifties“ Sim and have fun !! Opening Festival is at the 8th January at 4 PM SLT!!
Grab your Petticoat and lots of hairspray and change clothes at the Dressing room and get ready to feel the ROCK ‘N ROLL FOREVER. You can enjoy dancing and listening to the music of the 50’s at the Prom night. You can also a piece of the 50es with you in one of the shops with furniture, clothing, hairs, housing, etc. all done in the the 50’s style and if you dont have Money no problem – there are lots of Midnight Mania Boards for you
Vermisst ihr die guten alte Zeit mit jungen rebellierenen Männer wie James Dean oder softies wie Elvis Presley und wunderschöne Frauen wie Marilyn Monroe dann kommt zu Fin *Relieve the fifties“ Sim und habt spass !! Eröffnungsfeier ist am 8. Januar um 4 PM SL-Zeit!!
Pack deinen Petticoat und viel Haarspray und zieh dich in der Umkleide um und mach dich bereit den ROCK’N Roll für immer zu spüren. Ihr könnt Tanzen oder der Musik der 50er im Turnhalle zuhören und genießen. Du kannst aber auch ein Stück der 50er mit dir mitnehmen in unseren zahlreichen Shops mit Möbel, Kleidung, Haare, Häuser etc. alles im 50er Style und wenn du kein Geld hast ist das auch kein Problem – hier gibts viele Midnight Manias für euch
Second Life address:
Jet Lag (191,44,22)
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
- Entertainment / Music
- Art and Design / Home and Interior
Business Images
Reviews of Fin "Relive the fifties"
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Welcome to a journey back ...

Welcome to a journey back in time. This is how you will feel when you come to this sim. Every single detail has the taste of the fifties. Go through the broken TV to discover a little world where you can meet Marilyn Monroe and all kind of stuff brought from ...
Immerse yourself in the colorful ...

Immerse yourself in the colorful recreation of what was once black and white. FIN successfully recreates the past in almost every imaginable detail. On the outside it's just an average world. But when you walk through the black and white scenery you'll soon find yourself fascinated by the different decorations and ...