Gaming in second life is one of the most thing that residents like to do, it is also very useful and a quick way to earn lindens and have some fun at the same time! If you asked my advice about the best place to play some games I will say ...
Zyngo Teddy
second life business card
Come to visit ZYNGO TEDDY you can find a relaxing garden with all the games you are looking for.
Friendly owners, high or low contest, Pick profile, random money giver.
Zyngo machines from freeplay to high rollers.
Second Life address:
Italy Fashion (123,126,101)
- Entertainment / In-World Games / Casino
Business Images
Reviews of Zyngo Teddy
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
I'm a gamer on here ...

I'm a gamer on here so when I saw this to write a review for I would of been glad to do so. The Teleportation was in a nice landing spot, right in the middle so you can all games in the area to choose from. I notice on the floor, ...