JobFeed Community Employment Agency is a location in Second Life where you can go to search a job. Everything is laid out in a way that is really easy to comprehend. There are ad boards that employers can rent to advertise that their business is currently hiring for certain positions. When ...
JobFeed Community Employment Agency
second life business card
Welcome to JobFeed Community
Hello, my name is Cecil Gudkov and i am the owner of JobFeed Community. I am on real life advertiser own also advertise company on real life and i start to do this on second life on 2008 with JobFeed group and a lot of members on that time. I return with the office on the first of this year and we are proud to announce our new office is finish and i invite you to advertise your job offer on our location at low cost !!! The place is dedicated for job search and we provide traffic on our office location so people or employer can see 100% your job. Every day we have alot of people who search jobs. Just come and see our place. Thank you for read my note and hope to not bored you. All the best from my side and hope to see you soon. Greetings from Cecil Gudkov and welcome to our community !!!
Second Life address:
Village of Mist (5,2,24)
- Employment / Real Life job agencies
- Employment / Second Life job agencies
- Employment / Online money-making / Camping and Lucky Stuff
Website URL:
Reviews of JobFeed Community Employment Agency
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Many people believe that Second ...

Many people believe that Second Life is only a game, but really Second Life is not a simple game. Second Life is a fantastic experience to live an alternate life in a virtual world. You can make friends, play RPGs, be a supermodel, fall in love, everything that you want to ...