There is nothing like looking at pieces of beautiful artwork surrounded by nature, and Starz Art Corner gives you just that. When you arrive, the tranquil sound of running water puts you in the mood for this open air art gallery. For those that like to look at artwork, there is ...
StarZ Art Corner
second life business card
StarZ Art Corner has rental shops for all types of Artists! The Resident Artists make The Corner Stunning! We have ShowCase Artists every month. Live Entertainment for parties. Club EverMore is upstairs, Zyngo Wyld machines u[ there too! StarZ Art Maze is new. Is a Maze housing my Collections of Awesome ART! Five FREE landscape photographs are hidden...and also a SECRET hidden teleporter for a Secret room! ooohhhh! My Sexy Red Limo is attached! (Keys are in it) See you there!
Second Life address:
Draconis (82,219,3)
- Art and Design / Photo Studios
- Art and Design / Art Galleries
Reviews of StarZ Art Corner
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
StarZ Art Corner is a ...

StarZ Art Corner is a place that brings art from different artists and put it all in one place. As what Hedy Lamarr said "A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires". This thing goes for all the Second Life residents. ...
The art always represents the ...

The art always represents the nourishment of our spirit, it is the aesthetic expression of its own interiority. Each work of art in all its forms and its representations, it transmitted to us some messages, every artist wants to tell his message, in language understandable to the human spirit. "Starz Art ...