Entering this land was a fine delight the land has many features that pop out at you as soon as you enter the land. In front of the teleport there is a huge building that can only be named a shopping town hall. The clock on top of the hall is ...
The Screnery
second life business card
Welcome to The Screnery
Are you surrounded by neighbours, ad farms or tired of your skybox view and want to live at the beach, in a forrest, in the mountains, in a winter wonderland or even underwater?
We provide al sizes scenery screens to enhance your view!
They are seamless and copyable so you can connect as many as is allowed on your land!
What you get->
6 objects with a beautiful High-Quality scenery some have TRANSPARENT sky!
All seamless so you can enlarge your view if you like!
- 10x10x0.01 Screen (1 prim SIZABLE) Ideal for SkyBoxes
- 20x20x0.01 Large Screen (4 prims) Normal Prims!! Large version if you can't use MEGA PRIMS.
- 10x20x0.01 Left side Large Screen (2 prims) Normal Prims!! Ideal for corners.
- 10x20x0.01 Right side Large Screen (2 prims) Normal Prims!! Ideal for corners.
- 20x20x0.5 Screen (1 prim) MEGA PRIM - Only use when allowed AND only NON-Physical and PHANTOM
- 32x32x0.8 Screen (1 prim) MEGA PRIM - Only use when allowed AND only NON-Physical and PHANTOM
These walls are all Copy and Modify but NO Transfer!
The back of the walls are see through so you don't bother your neighbors!
Have your own perfect place with a marvelous view!
Come to The Screney
"Where screens and scenery come together"
Second Life address:
Isle of Miracles (90,118,23)
- Commerce / Shops / Home and Garden
- Art and Design / Home and Interior
- Art and Design / Landscaping
Business Images
Reviews of The Screnery
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
When you first arrive at ...

When you first arrive at The Screnery, you appear to be surrounded by a lush tropical forest. If you cam out though, you'll see that it's an illusion, and that the other side is clear to allow an unobstructed view of your parcel or business. Many sim owners require that the ...
To enhance the privacy and ...

To enhance the privacy and look of your property, home or get away corner, Second Life offers plenty of options and the only limit is your imagination. The Screnery, is one of the best stores that you can find for your privacy or decoration needs, from beautiful views of Fall, Spring, ...
There are certain things which ...

There are certain things which many property owners would consider being essential.Perhaps the most important of these is the overall look.We are all attracted to what we see.Visual appeal is everything in a virtual world. One of the easiest solutions to giving your property that spark to add an appealing look ...