At one point this Castle used to be a welcome center for German newcomers, at present it' s abandoned and in ruins but still is a magnificent piece of history and art, at the landing point and along the empty halls, you still find signs with help notes for the newcomers ...
Deutsche Burgruine
second life business card
German Castle Ruin - Treffpunkt auf Deutsch! (And a fine castle to visit, even if you don't understand the language.)
Second Life address:
Frisch (192,160,68)
- Services / International / Language Communities / Deutsche
Reviews of Deutsche Burgruine
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
A marvelous location for explore ...

A marvelous location for explore it and take some pictures. It is a German Castle Ruin with a good performance, near the sea and surrounded by forests where you can be involved by a magical and mysterious atmosphere. If you are a German speaker you can find German people there and ...
The "Deutsche Burgruine" (German Castle ...
The "Deutsche Burgruine" (German Castle Ruin) is a German sim for all the people, who want to meet and talk with German people. In the sim is a big and amazing castle ruin which it worth a visit. This castle ruin looks very nice with a love for details. Its a ...
This places it's a meeting ...

This places it's a meeting point to german people but also a great places to explore. Along the building you will find several boards with help for newcomers and free avatars. Take your time exploring every corner of this wonderful recreation, take the chance to take great snapshoots and meet interesting ...
Deutsche Burgruine is a fine ...

Deutsche Burgruine is a fine castle with great views. The help and info interfaces hark back to everyone’s first Second Life day. In fact this very much feels like it should be “Help Castle” or the Second Life starting point for the German speaking community. Truth be told I actually prefer ...