Dead Soul Designs
second life business card

Offering to you the best in gothic furniture, blood fountains, coffins, mens and womens clothing, jewelry and other attachments. Great prices, amazing quality!

Reviews of Dead Soul Designs

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

The place is a nice ...

by Luisak68 Resident

The place is a nice store with true Gothic atmosphere. Do you want to buy good fitting coffin or just cool piece of furniture for your dark den? Or are you just in love with fashion of goths and vampires? DSD is here just for you. They also offers nice gestures ...

Resident's screenshots:

The Vampirism in Second Life ...

by Ehecatl Nyoki

The Vampirism in Second Life is one of many role play games found in-world, and for the lovers of this game, Dementia Lane and Grim Grainger, owners of Dead Soul Designs, have released their imagination and talent to create an extensive collection of items to decorate your land and home. Gothic ...

Resident's screenshots:

The great pleasure in life ...

by XxMixedEmotionxX Resident

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. So do what people do not expect you to do, and be yourself with this new Gothic store for all the Gothic avatars in second life. If you are one of the people who like to dress in ...

Resident's screenshots:

Are you a vampire, demon ...

by NiaDoll Resident

Are you a vampire, demon or just a friend of the dark side? Then you should take a look at this shop. The shop sells everything, what a creature of the night needs. Good looking and detailed decoration items for you new mansion, maybe some new clothes for your vampire or ...