Business Reviews
MetaBizList encourages SL residents to write business reviews. Residents can review the business and attach any number of images (screenshots) to the review. Each review has to be approved by the MetaBizList editor and business owner before publishing.
Social Business Review
MetaBizList acts as a social network, allowing SL residents to review any listed business. These review form an image of the company and allows future customers to understand the essence of the particular business.
To avoid blackmailing and defacing, MetaBizList does not allow posting negative reviews of any kind. Each SL business has its own strong and weak sides, and our goal is to highlight business advantages.
New Review Submission
There are two stages after the submission of a new review.
Approval by editor
Each review is a subject to approval by two people: the MetaBizList editor and the business owner.
After the review is submitted, it comes to editor for initial approval. Editor reviews the text and screenshots and either approves it, rejects it or sends it back to the author to fix errors and mistakes.
Approved review gets forwarded to business owner, accompanied by an IM notification.
Approval by business owner
Reviews appear in the business owner's MetaBizList account for review and final approval. The Business owner can approve or reject a review within 3 days.

Approved reviews are being published at MetaBizList, along with the business description and images.